Friday, June 20, 2014

I can't believe it's...over?

Was that really the "final" celebration dinner last night?

It's not real for me at all...that our little group that has become a family all flew to Europe six weeks ago...and that most people are getting not trains and planes back to the U.S. tomorrow.

I'm meeting up with my mom and grandma tomorrow, to stay in Salzburg for a few more days and then go to on to Prague and Budapest and possibly a side trip to Zurich, Switzerland. I'm so excited to see my family, and I'm so happy I don't have to leave quite yet, but I can't believe that all my friends are!!

I don't even know what to do with myself.

This week everyone has been in "go mode", our term papers were due on Wednesday and our finals were on Friday. (This is also why I haven't been keeping up with the blog..sorry!)

I will miss these people and this life so much. I got too comfortable here too fast...I have called Salzburg home for five weeks now and it's hard for me to remember that I don't actually live here.

Nevertheless, despite this extremely strange feeling, yesterday's final concert and celebration at Augustiner Brewery was quite fantastic.

The concert was different than I imagined it to be, after seeing pictures in my advisor's office every since my freshman year when I would come and visit her, hoping to become a music major or minor. But it was beautiful. I got to be a part of the last piece, since my arranging class put it together.

The space was so resonant that for the first time I was especially sad about not getting to sing a solo (because I took two classes, while most musicians take one class and private lessons). Nevertheless, I lived vicariously through my friends and took photos and videos throughout their performances.

Afterwards, my host mom drove Katelyn and I (and our host siblings) to the Augustiner, where we met up with all of our friends and their families. The food was so good, kind words were said by Phoebe, our program director, and we even got cute little certificates and a cake with graduation caps on it. This is probably one of the most adorable study abroad programs, ever.

After taking endless photos in various combinations, we all went to Murphy's Law (lol) which is an awesome, tiny Irish pub, to watch France beat Switzerland. After we all had a cider it was unfortunately time to catch the last bus home. The time always goes by so fast...once again, I can't even wrap my head around it!

Photos to come, and I promise I will go back and tell you all about Vienna, and three other awesome excursions: Ice caves, Eagle's nest, and Hellbrun palace.

Until then, I'll just be here crying. Lol.

With a heavy heart,
Princess Samantha

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