Saturday, June 28, 2014

Reality Check: 4 Days Left

Well, all of the instructions on my blog are now in Hungarian...I am in Budapest!

It feels like I have been in Europe for forever. Perhaps because I kind of have been. It's been almost two months!

I have been feeling like this trip will just sort of...never end, but reality slapped me rather harshly this morning when I realize that including today and excluding the day of my flight, I have four days left of my trip.


In some ways I am very ready to go home. I want to see my family, my friends, and my dog. I miss the familiarity of the culture, the assurance of the language. I will be home just in time to sleep off the jet lag and then celebrate the 4th of July. I am so read to don my red white and blue, go to the beach, listen to country music, eat BBQ, drink sweet tea, and watch the fireworks. 'MERICA!

But until then, I want to soak up every last moment that I have in Hungary. Yesterday my grandma, mom, and I took a taxi to the best cafe in Budapest. No really, it has the best reputation.

We started the meal with the most refreshing lemonades, complete with a tower of ice cubes, fresh fruit slices and mint leaves inside of the glasses. I ordered a summer salad with lightly fried chicken, and my mom and grandma split a double-decker club sandwich.  Dessert was the inarguable best part...we indulged in two sundaes- one with chocolate ice cream and cake, the other a strawberry shortcake. We relaxed and digested and enjoyed the view, then walked down the main pedestrian street nearby. It was full of adorable shops so of course we bought a few things.

Then we went to the market. My grandma told us that it was huge, full of everything you could imagine, and absolutely worth seeing. She was right. It was such a colorful place. The smells were delicious. After strolling through for a few minutes we decided to go was already evening!

My mom and I took advantage of the "pre-dinner drinks and snacks" in our hotel, and enjoyed a nice view of the city from the terrace.

It's time to go to breakfast now on that same terrace-- we are doing a private tour of the city today and I couldn't be more excited. Budapest is just as regal as Vienna but a bit more lively. I absolutely miss Austria (and Germany)..I think they will always feel like home to me now... but this place is pretty fantastic too.

Thanks for tuning it! I still have to write about my weekend in Italy and my last week and a half in Salzburg.

Princess Samantha

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