Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 2: Munich

Yesterday began with a walking tour of the city with our charming tour guide Frau...I already forgot her name. But she was fantastic. By far, my favorite things were the two churches we went into. The details were just amazing. It made me wonder how I ever doubted God's existence, and made me wish places of worship were still this ornate.

Following the tour, a handful of us chose to climb to the top of this insanely high tower and got an INCREDIBLE view of the city. We took photos and then traveled down the stairs to the marketplace for lunch.

*PAUSE: Listening to Spotify and the commercials are in German! Yay. (I am listening to Tim McGraw to ease the slight homesickness for Southern culture...)*

There were endless tiny shops open selling fine cheese, bread, seafood, and of course, sausages, pretzels, and beer. My stomach was slightly upset from pork, potato, and beer from the night before, so a friend and I chose to have a lighter lunch. We found fresh fruit smoothies and a bakery, from which I got what looked like a cheese danish, but ended up being mostly sugary bread (it was SO good). My friend and I were entertained by a young man near the smoothie shop who took it upon himself to explain every single flavor to us even though we were clearly not THAT confused...after his lecture he sighed, "I love American girls", to which we giggled, of course.

Soon it was time to meet back up at the glockenspiel, the giant clock tower, to go to the train station together. And then: More hail! It lasted a little longer tho time and strangely enough, I found walking through it to be somewhat enjoyable. (I did have my comfy sneakers and trench coat, and umbrella).

We then went underground and traveled to Olympia Central, where there is a BMW Museum and the park/facilities that were used when Munich hosted the Olympics in 1972. We learned from the walking tour that hosting the Olympics changed everything for the city and its economy. The Olympics does much more than provide entertainment and world unity!

The BMW museum was not really my thing, but it was still cool to see all of the old cars and their evolution. It also didn't hurt that our tour guide was rather adorable. ;)
*Sidenote: As my close friends/family/roommates will ALL tell you, I love clean cut, well-dressed guys. Feminine might be stretch, but basically, ALL THE GUYS IN EUROPE ARE MY TYPE!! Maybe not all, but a large majority. Lord send me a European husband. <3 Lol..

Time to head to breakfast, definitely need to write more later. In the evening we went out to dinner and then saw the city light up at night, and finished the evening with gelato for only a euro (I love a good bargain). I also need to write more about the culture and differences from the US...the Underground, the diversity, etc.

I'll be back soon. :)

Regards from my bunk bed,
Princess Samantha


  1. Clean cut, well dressed men in fitted made-to-measure suits? You should have come to my wedding! It was all my-fair-lady at that gig.

    1. I am so depressed that I didn't make it. I am fairly certain you and I have the same taste in men my dear cousin :)

  2. Love you Sam! And love reading about your foreign adventures. Will be devouring this blog (and Jordyn's) this summer. Have an amazing time in Austria! post a LOT.

    1. WONDERFUL to hear from you Karla! Love you so much. I will try and keep posting often :) Hope you are doing well!
