Saturday, May 24, 2014 update!

A few nights ago I was incredibly restless, frustrated that I was at home, fifteen minutes away from the city where I truly wanted to be.

Tonight I set at my desk listening to the Sound of Music original soundtrack as the sun sinks below the mountains outside, happy as can be.

My allergies started flaring up a couple of nights ago, and now it seems they have turned into a full-blown cold. It's like I'm experiencing Gainesville allergies all over again. Yay.

Nevertheless, I'm grateful that not feeling well is forcing me to rest.

Today we walked up to the highest point in the city of Salzburg--the fortress!

The view was absolutely amazing, and I'm so glad that I could even muster the energy to go after waking up feeling like my head was encased in a box...

That building right above my head is the house of the Von Trapps in the Sound of Music! (Sidenote: This was not the ACTUAL house of the Von Trapp family.)

We hiked up and around and then all the way up to the fortress. We learned that it was literally in-conquerable, surrounded on all sides by mountains and the steepest ramps ever.

The view of the city was fantastic.

Just hanging out with this gorgeous view like it's no big deal. Casual, as my friend Victoria would say.

More photos of the fortress to come!

Thanks for tuning in. :)

Princess Samantha

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