Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 3: Nuremberg

I don't know if I've ever had so much to say and such writer's block when it comes to actually saying it!

There is no way to describe in words how amazing the beginning of this trip has been.
The pictures do not do the beauty justice.

I can't seem to be able to wrap my mind around it either.

But I will try my best. :)

Day 3 began with breakfast and grabbing a sandwich at the train station. I opted for the one that was literally called "Big Sandwich". Because it was cheap and well, big. Lol.

We rode the train for a little over an hour and then met up with our tour guide. I wrote these thoughts in my "Notes" app on my phone...

"It was beautiful on the train, but I could only look out the window for so long because fate had chosen for me a seat that moved backwards. I also believe it to be true that I can only take in so much at once and truly appreciate and enjoy it. The concept of sensory overload if you will. So I let the story of The Fault in Our Stars transport me to another place as we traveled across German countryside, knowing that when we arrived at Nuremberg I'd truly be able to absorb it all.

 I wanted to look at new things with the fresh eyes of a child for the next five and a half weeks. I never wanted to get used to it. I never wanted to take it for granted. I wanted to stay amazed. 

My ears are popping like crazy on this train!! The Germans all seem use to it.

I hear German all around me, unlike on the subway where they prefer silence. There are lots of children but they seem well behaved. No one really looks me in the eye. The sound of German over the intercom sort of scares me, maybe because the voice sounds harsh and sharp. 

The houses and rolling hills are ever so charming. I think it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen, but I also think Salzburg will soon take its place."

To my surprise,  the city of Nuremberg was significantly more charming than I expected!
Case in point.

We continued through the city, only to discover a huge church, ornate fountain, and fortress on a hill.
After climbing the hill to see the castle/fortress, we ate our packed lunches in the shade. I found that two of my new friends had also chosen the Big Sandwich, which was rather delicious.

                                                             The amazing cathedral!

                                                                   Ornate fountain!

                                       Fortress and tower. (Tower reminds me of Rapunzel)!

Before long it was time to hop on another train to check out the courtroom where the Nuremberg Trials were held. There was a museum and although we were all pretty exhausting, it was still interesting. We listened to audio guides and moved through the exhibits at our own pace.

We soon hopped back on the train to go back to Nuremberg, and then back to Munich.

My four friends and I planned our trip for the next day, which is described under "So This is Love"...

In awe,
Princess Samantha


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